Replacement Local Development Plan: Additional Candidate Sites

The opportunity to submit candidate sites for consideration in the replacement Denbighshire Local Development Plan (LDP) 2018 – 2033 has now closed. Anyone wishing to have a site considered that has not already been received will need to submit a duly made representation at the Deposit consultation stage. This is likely to take place in late 2022.

We have received 36 new candidate sites in response to the consultation on the draft Preferred Strategy for the replacement Local Development Plan 2018 – 2033 (LDP).

Submitting a candidate site for the LDP is not the same as submitting a planning application to the Local Planning Authority. The publication of a candidate site does not mean that the site will automatically be taken forward as land for development in the next LDP. These sites are not preferred sites for development at this stage in the plan-making process.

You can get more information from the following documents;

Additional candidate site maps

The following documents show details including a location map of settlements from where sites have been received (if a settlement is not listed, this means we did not receive any proposal from this particular area);

What happens next?

All sites that have been submitted for consideration in the next LDP will be fully assessed. Your comments will help us in forming a judgement on whether to take the site forward to the next stage in the plan-making process.

The Draft Deposit LDP document will contain those candidate sites that the Council is likely to include in the Replacement Local Development Plan 2018 - 2033.

Find out more about the next stages of producing the Replacement LDP.