Noisy dogs

Barking comes naturally to dogs, but constant barking or whining can be disturbing or annoying for your neighbours. Complaints about barking often arise because dogs are left alone while their owners are out for most of the day. A dog will not usually bark while its owners are at home, but may start as soon as they leave. The owners are often unaware that there is a problem until someone makes a complaint.

If you are disturbed by a neighbour’s dog, tell them about the problem, as they may not know their dog is barking. If they are not prepared to take action, tell us about the issue, either by reporting a noise pollution issue or by calling 01824 706000.

You will need to give us your details when you make a complaint, because the law requires us to record the impact the noise is having on the person who is making the complaint.  However, your details will not be revealed to the dog's owners, other than in the unlikely event that the matter is taken to court.

After you have made a complaint

When we receive your complaint we will visit the dog owners, and we will send you a log sheet so that you can keep a record of when the dog is barking and how long it goes on for.

When you return the log sheet to us we will assess the information, and if we think it's necessary, we will carry out noise monitoring, either in person at the property, or by using equipment.  To  determine whether the barking can be considered a statutory noise nuisance, we will consider:

  • the time of day or night the dog is barking
  • how long it goes on for
  • how often it happens

Occasional barking that happens, for example, when you have a delivery made to your property or when the doorbell rings, will not be considered a statutory noise nuisance.

If we think that the barking can be considered a statutory noise nuisance, we can serve a noise abatement notice on the owner to stop the persistent barking.