Transforming Towns Loans

We have secured funding from the Welsh Government Transforming Towns Programme to offer capital investment loans to regenerate properties in our town centres.

The main aims of the scheme are to reduce the number of long-term vacant, underutilised and/or redundant commercial sites and premises in town centres and support the economic recovery of town centres. The purpose of the loan is to improve or repurpose the property for continued ownership, to sell, to rent or bring a vacant site back into use.

The fund is part of a wider package of initiatives by Denbighshire County Council to support the County's town centres and contribute to the efforts of the Welsh Government's Transforming Towns Programme.

What is available?

Capital investment loans are available to regenerate properties in Denbighshire Towns Centres.

Terms of the loan, including value and length of repayment, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How to apply

If you'd like to apply for a Transforming Towns Loan, you will need to contact our Economic Development Team to discuss your proposal and request an application form. Applicants will be subject to affordability checks.

Contact the Economic Development Team