Welsh medium Education

Find out about Welsh Medium education and the numerous benefits that it brings.

Services and information

0 to 4 years old

Information about Welsh sessions for 0 to 4 year olds.

3 to 11 years old

Information about Welsh education for 3 to 11 year olds.

11 to 18 years olds

Information about Welsh education for 11 to 18 years olds.

Advantages of Welsh medium education

Find out about the many advantages of Welsh medium education.

Myth busters

View answers to the most common Welsh medium education myths we get asked about by parents and guardians.

Support for newcomers

Find out about the support for learners (newcomers) in year 3, 4, 5 and 6 who have not previously received Welsh medium education.

Secondary immersion scheme

Get information about the scheme that helps learners who have not received Welsh primary education, to receive secondary education through the medium of Welsh.