Time off for other duties

Public Duties

If you are undertaking jury service, serving on public bodies or undertaking public duties you will be granted paid leave of absence. If you are able to claim for loss of earnings then you should complete the necessary paperwork. When you receive the payment directly, a deduction will be made from your salary. This does not include leave for employees who are required to attend court as a witness for a case which is not relevant to Denbighshire County Council. In such cases your absence from work will have to be taken as annual leave, flexi or as unpaid leave. 

Time Off Work Policy ()

Military Reservists, Retained Fire-fighters and Special Constables

Military Reservists

Denbighshire County Council recognises that all military reservist employees have yearly training commitments and the potential for individuals to be called up for service in relation to military action. The council is committed to working with employees to support them (within reason, and taking into account the needs of the organisation) during this process.

Retained Fire-fighters and Special Constables

If employees are involved in any of the above they will be granted paid leave of absence for mandatory annual training camp (up to a maximum of two weeks leave per year).

Carer's leave

Denbighshire County Council recognises that its employees may have caring responsibilities for others outside of work and is committed to working with employees to help them maintain a work life balance by providing specific leave options.

Employee volunteering

The council recognises that some employees wish for an opportunity to develop professional and personal skills whilst helping local people or improving the environment. By encouraging voluntary activities, Denbighshire County Council demonstrates that they value their employees, local groups and community of Denbighshire. 

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