Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

A house in multiple occupancy (HMO) is a property rented to at least three people who are not from the same ‘household’ (e.g. family).

Additional Licensing (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Scheme 2020

On the 28th July 2020, Cabinet approved the Denbighshire County Council Additional Licensing (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Scheme 2020. The area of Rhyl has been redesignated for Additional HMO Licensing and the scheme has also been expanded to include Denbigh, Llangollen and Prestatyn. The scheme will commence on the 1st December 2020 and will run for a maximum of five years until the 30th November 2025.

Houses In Multiple Occupation (HMOs) And The Housing Act 2004 - Public Notice In Respect Of Additional Licensing

Details of the type of property affected by the scheme and how to apply 

There are different types of HMO properties: those which share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen; self-contained flats, and those which include a mixture of shared and self-contained units.

A HMO that falls under the Mandatory Licensing Scheme must have a licence if: 

  • it has three or more storeys AND
  • there are five or more tenants living there AND 
  • they form more than one household 
  • with or without shared facilities (bathroom and kitchen)

Under our Additional Licensing Scheme, there are slightly different criteria for properties in Denbigh, Llangollen, Prestatyn and Rhyl. An HMO property in Denbigh, Llangollen, Prestatyn and Rhyl must have a licence if: 

  • there are three or more tenants living there AND 
  • they form more than one household, with or without shared facilities (bathroom and kitchen)  
  • they form more than one fully self-contained household, but do not meet the 1991 Building Regulations AND where less than two-thirds of the self-contained flats are owner occupied.

How to apply for a HMO licence

It is the responsibility of the landlord or manager of the property to apply for a HMO licence.

Before you complete the application, please read the guidance notes.

Houses in Multiple Occupation licence application guidance (PDF, 204KB)

To apply for a HMO licence, please download and complete an application form and return it to the address on the form. 

Houses in Multiple Occupation licence application form (PDF, 750KB) 

A HMO licence is valid for up to 5 years. You will need to apply for a new licence at the end of this period.

How much does it cost?

New applications

Licenses last for 5 years and costs are based on the number of storeys a building has and the number of habitable rooms inside it. A habitable room would be bedsit, separate living room or bedroom.

A basic fee of £820 is worked out on the cost for 5 habitable rooms in a building of 3 or more storeys.

There is an additional charge of £30 for each habitable room for properties that have between 6 and 10 habitable rooms. 

For properties with 11 or more habitable rooms, there is an additional charge of £40 for the 11th habitable room and above.

In summary the proposed fees for HMO licensing are as follows:

HMO licensing fees for 5 years based on a building's number of habitable rooms and storeys
Number of rooms3 Storeys2 StoreysSingle storey
5 or fewer £820 £620 £420
6 £850 £650 £450
7 £880 £680 £480
8 £910 £710 £510
9 £940 £740 £540
10 £970 £770 £570
11 £1,010 £810 £610
12 £1,050 £850 £650
13 £1,090 £890 £690
14 £1,130 £930 £730
15 £1,170 £970 £770
16 £1,210 £1,010 £810
17 £1,250 £1,050 £650
18 £1,290 £1,090 £690
19 £1,330 £1,130 £730
20 £1,370 £1,170 £770

Example cost break-down

A 3 storey property with 5 habitable rooms with a fee of £820 for five years will cost:

  • £164 per habitable room for 5 years
  • £32.80 per habitable room a year
  • 63 pence a week for each habitable room

Additional discounts available on first application

There is a £200 discount if the full application is received within 8 weeks of being notified about the licensing requirement.

Charitable organisations only pay 50% of the original fee.

Renewing a licence

You can get a 50% discount on the fees shown above when a renewing an existing license, so long as you return the full application (see the checklist on page 2 of the application form) at least 8 weeks before the current license expires.

This gives us enough time to process the application, which includes carrying out a full HHSRS inspection, issuing notice of proposal and notice of decision to grant a licence before the old licence expires and the new one has to be issued. Renewals do not qualify for any “additional discounts”.

Change of HMO ownership

Licenses are not transferable to another person or property and fees are not refundable. If the property were sold on as a HMO, the new landlord will need to apply for a new licence, the fee structure remains unchanged in such circumstances.

Payment methods

You can either pay in full when you make the application or in two instalments:

  • instalment 1: 50% of the fee to be paid on application 
  • instalment 2: the remaining 50% of the fee to be paid once the Property Licence has been granted.

Fee payable

As described above, the total amount payable will be the 5 year license fee (based on the number and storeys and habitable rooms in the building), minus any discount.

Example: first application for a 3 storey property with 5 habitable rooms

  • Five year license fee: £820
  • Discount for submitting full application within 8 weeks of notice: £200
  • Total fee payable: £620

Example: application renewal for a 2 storey property with 12 habitable rooms

  • Five year license fee: £850
  • 50% discount for submitting full application 8 weeks before current license expires: £425
  • Total fee payable: £425

Example: first application by a charitable organisation for a 3 storey property with 20 habitable rooms

  • Five year license fee: £1,370
  • 50% discount for charitable organisations: £685
  • Total fee payable: £685

How to Pay

Over the phone

You can pay over the phone with a credit or debit card by contacting Finance on 01824 706417. Please quote 3479-40142 (Additional Licence), or 3479-40091 (Mandatory Licence) and the property address.

BACS transfer

Payment can also be made by a BACS transfer using the following details:

  • Account number: 22837469
  • Sort Code: 54-41-06

To ensure the payment reaches our account, you must provide the following information in the BACS reference field:

  • Cost code - 3479-40142 (Additional Licence), or 3479-40091 (Mandatory Licence)
  • Postcode

For example, a Mandatory HMO Licence application for 26 Fox Street, Rhyl, LL18 1ZP would have the following reference:

3479-40142 LL181ZP

Please notify us when you have made a payment by calling 01824 706389 or emailing

HMO standards

We are responsible for enforcing HMO standards. If you live in a HMO and feel there are any unreasonable hazards which your private landlord is not dealing with, please report it.

HMO licensing register

We keep a public register of all the properties in Denbighshire which are listed as houses in multiple occupancy. 

Houses in Multiple Occupation licensing register (PDF, 86KB)

If you have any enquiries about a property which has been licensed, or a property that you feel should be registered and is not, please contact us.

Related documents

Houses in Multiple Occupation licence conditions (PDF, 610KB)