Advertisement consent

To display an advertisement or sign in Denbighshire, you may need consent from us.

There are 3 groups of adverts with differing planning rules.

Adverts which are exempt from control

An outdoor advertisement is permitted for display without the planning authority's specific consent if:

  • the effect of the rules is to exclude it from control entirely;
  • it comes within the provisions of one of the 14 classes of deemed consent specified in the rules.

There are 10 different classes of advertisement which are completely excluded from control provided certain conditions are fulfilled.

View the 10 classes of advertisement excluded from control
  • Captive balloon advertisements: Although captive balloon advertisements displayed at a height of more than 60 metres above ground level are not subject to advertisement control, they are subject to the civil aviation controls over all forms of aerial advertising, and you must obtain the Civil Aviation Authority's consent before you fly any balloon at a height of more than 60 metres.
    One balloon advertisement is exempt from control if it is:
    • not more than 60 above the ground
    • not displayed for more than 10 days in any calendar year; and
    • not in any Area of Special Control of Advertisements, National Park, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Conservation Area or the Broads.
  • Advertisements displayed on enclosed land: These would include advertisements inside a railway station forecourt, or inside a bus station or sports stadium.
  • Advertisements displayed on or in any vehicle or vessel which is normally moving
  • Advertisements which are an integral part of a building's fabric
  • Advertisements in the form of price tickets or markers, trade-names on branded goods, or displayed on petrol pumps or vending machines: These advertisements must not be illuminated, nor exceed 0.1 square metres in area.
  • Advertisements relating specifically to a pending Parliamentary, European Parliamentary, Welsh Assembly or local government election: These advertisements must not be displayed more than 14 days after the close of the poll.
  • Advertisements required by any Parliamentary Order, or any enactment, to be displayed
  • Traffic signs. Any traffic sign (as defined in section 64(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984)
  • A national flag of any country: Any national flag may be flown on a single vertical flagstaff, so long as it does not have anything added to the design of the flag or any advertising material added to the flagstaff.
  • Advertisements displayed inside a building: These advertisements must not be illuminated, displayed in a building that is not used principally for the display of advertisements or displayed within one metre of any window or other external opening through which they can be seen from outside the building.

Adverts with deemed consent

Adverts may have 'deemed consent', meaning that permission is not needed provided you stay within certain rules.

If you can't fit into one of the classes listed within the regulations then you will probably require consent. 

Find out which adverts have deemed consent

Class 1

Functional advertisements of local authorities, statutory providers, public transport providers, and advertisements displayed by Local Planning Authorities on land in their areas.

Class 2

Miscellaneous advertisements relating to the premises on which they are displayed (e.g. professions, businesses, trades, religious institutions and hotels).

Class 3

Miscellaneous temporary advertisements relating to sale or letting of property, the sale of goods or livestock, the carrying out of building or similar work, local events, demonstrations of agricultural processes, and visits of a travelling circus or fair.

Class 4

Illuminated advertisements on business premises.

Class 5 

Advertisements other than illuminated advertisements on business premises.

Class 6

Advertisements on forecourts of business premises.

Class 7 

Flag advertisement attached to single flagstaff projecting vertically from the roof of a building, or on a site where planning permission is granted for residential development, and at least one house remains unsold.

Class 8 

Advertisements on hoardings.

Class 9 

Advertisements on highway structures.

Class 10

Advertisements for neighbourhood watch and similar schemes.

Class 11 

Advertisements directing potential buyers to a residential development.

Class 12 

Advertisements inside buildings.

Class 13 

Sites used for the display of advertisements without express consent on 1 April 1974 and that have been used continuously since that date.

Class 14 

Advertisements displayed after expiry of express consent (unless a condition to the contrary was imposed on the consent or a renewal of consent was applied for and refused).

Adverts requiring express consent

Adverts that are not exempt from control and that don't come under 'deemed consent' will require an application for consent, this is known as express consent.

Consent is usually needed for hoardings, illuminated signs, fascia signs and projecting signs on shop-fronts or business premises which are higher than 4.6m above ground level, as well as most advertisements on gable ends.

Consent is also needed for signs advertising goods not sold at the premises where the sign is being displayed.

Applying for consent

You can apply online for consent to display an advertisement through the planning portal website. 

Apply online for consent to display an advertisement (external website)

More information about advertisements

You can find out more in the Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Supplementary Planning Guidance - Advertisements (PDF, 241KB)