Report a missed refuse collection

Recycling and waste collections

Our waste crews are continuing with scheduled collections. If yours is missed, please put it out on the following day. If we are unable to collect it, you should put your containers out on your next scheduled collection day.

Your bins should be placed on the kerbside by 7:00am.

If you do not place your containers out for collection before 7:00am or put your containers out on the wrong day, you'll need to either: 

In the case that you believe our crews have accidently missed your bin, you can report a missed collection online.

We are updating our online forms

When reporting a missed collection online:

  • If you are reporting a missed collection of your Trolibocs please select any one of the boxes on the form and your whole container will be collected.
  • if your containers are not listed, please tell us in the 'Further details' section of the form.

Thank you for your patience.

Report a missed refuse collection

Please do not report a missed collection until after 3pm. This is to give the crews enough time to have completed your area.