Replacement Local Development Plan: Preferred Strategy / Pre Deposit Stage

The Pre-Deposit stage of developing a plan, is the 1st formal stage at which the public can submit their views. Consultation occurred between 8th July 2019 and 30th August 2019.

The documents that were available for consultation were the Draft Preferred Strategy, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Appraisal.

Pre-Deposit Documents

Responses were welcomed on:

Candidate sites

Preferred Strategy / Pre-Deposit Background Papers

These documents were used to develop the Preferred Strategy and are provided for information purposes.

Background Evidence

These documents form the evidence base for the Preferred Strategy and are provided for information purposes.

What next?

All responses will be considered and will inform the development of the ‘Deposit LDP’. The Deposit LDP is a full draft of the Local Development Plan and will contain all local policies and site allocations.